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Aloe Vera products for your loved animals (Forever Living)

ClassifiedsAnimalsOther animalsClassified ad - For sale

Aloe Vera products for your loved animals Pets are part of the family too and Forever Living Products has different aloe vera products to help you to take care of them in a natural way. Forever is called also the Aloe Vera Company because we are specialized in aloe vera since 1978. Provide your beloved pet with quick, soothing relief of their minor abrasions from ingredients you know and trust. Our stabilized aloe vera gel is paired with soothing allantoin. The nozzle-control spray will help you reach any size pet. This easy-to-apply spray is ideal for soothing and cleansing areas before applying dressings or to achieve a glossy and conditioned coat after bathing. For pets and horses - and humans too. Some of our products that we use for animal care is: Aloe Vera Gelly, Aloe First Spray, Aloe Activator, Forever Bright Toothgel, Aloe Jojoba Shampoo, Aloe Hand Soap (liquid soap) and Aloe Avocado Soap (solid bar of soap). Just contact Martina with your questions. International online shop from Forever Living Products: (see website link) WhatsApp contact with Martina Hahn, FBO Forever since 2002 (see phone field)

Condition: New

Date posted:12/28/2024 12:07:22

Ending date (ad expires):12/28/2025(Days remaining: 278)

State:CaliforniaCounty:Los Angeles

Phone / mobile:+393...?


Web (URL address):http:// ?

Contact person / company:Martina Hahn, FBO Forever Living

User - registered since:10/06/2020

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AnimalsNew Other animals For sale

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