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PVC Pipe bender for balloon artists

ClassifiedsMiscellaneous, otherOtherClassified ad - For sale

Balloon artists are creative people and must come up with almost unimaginable designs using balloons. You oftentimes need a frame or arch to attach the balloons to and use PVC Pipe for that reason. The problem is the pipe is cheap but the fittings are expensive. By heating the pipe to about 200 degrees F you can bend it and eliminate a lot of fittings. And you can use the PVC Bendit for that purpose. Legendary balloon artist and entrepreneur David Mahoney had us make what is now our very popular 10A PVC Bendit. He said they would be popular and he was right. He even introduced them at the World Balloon Conference in San Deigo a few years back. To try one out just visit our website pvcbendit orders yours today. If you are not 100 percent satisfied we offer a 30 day full return ∕ refund. No risk to you. Get yours today and start producing your projects at a lower cost.

Condition: New

Date posted:03/14/2025 09:35:56

Ending date (ad expires):03/14/2026(Days remaining: 354)


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