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Frank Beltrame Switchblades

Choose the top-of-the-line Frank Beltrame Switchblades that are handcrafted in Maniago, Italy by old-school knife masters such as Frank Beltrame, AKC, and Angelo Campolin. These exclusively stiletto-styled side-aperture 11 FB Italian Swinguard switchblades come with dual-finger or movable protection. When the special covers are ejected, and the stiletto is unbolted, it helps to safeguard the fingers from the highly serrated blades. Thus, these attached dual-finger or floating guards unlock the knife, when the shields are released. The exclusively designed model of the Frank Beltrame 11 Buffalo Horn is available with a special Bayonet blade. Don’t hesitate further!

Condition: New

Date posted:07/05/2024 11:46:12

Ending date (ad expires):07/05/2025(Days remaining: 119)

State:New YorkCounty:New York


Web (URL address):http:// ?

Contact person / company:My Switchblade

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