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Switch blades

The modern Switch blades or the Italian stilettos are available in varied brands and with automatic spring-loaded and razor-sharp features. This pocket-friendly and compact EDC tool has its origin in 15th-century medieval Italy, extensively used in the World Wars, and acclaimed by the US military crews. Likewise, these Swiss Army knives are substantially lighter in weight; small, and compact, while come with robust handles made with anodized aluminium alloy for greater portability. During any routine pursuits or adversities, this blade can be promptly unfolded by pushing a small button with a ridge at the slightest finger touch, without exerting any force.

Condition: New

Date posted:05/13/2024 11:18:33

Ending date (ad expires):05/13/2025(Days remaining: 61)

State:New YorkCounty:New York


Web (URL address):http:// ?

Contact person / company:My Switchblade

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