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Bars and Booths furnishes 50’s diner booth for sale

Manufactured in the USA, as highly resilient commercial quality tables with real metal banding and chrome column base, the standard booth designs of the 50’s diner booth for sale are arranged by the Bars and Booths, Inc. Such one-of-a-kind diner booth sets come with hidden seat vault spaces, and are available in different circle-shaped arrangements of the half, one-fourth, three-fourth, and also in unique L shapes. Besides, the end-users can find the standard lengths of the benches for such restaurant sets at 30, 44, 48, 60 and 72, in addition to the booth seat height of 36, and depth of 24.

Condition: New

Date posted:08/14/2024 12:53:25

Ending date (ad expires):08/14/2025(Days remaining: 141)

State:West VirginiaCounty:Wood

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Contact person / company:Bars and Booths

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Furniture, interior accessoriesNew Furniture sets For sale

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